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Sleep and Weight

by Steven Novella, Jun 11 2012

Recent evidence suggests there is a link between sleep quality and weight control – poor sleep correlates with risk of obesity. The possible causal connection goes both ways. Obesity increases the risk for sleep apnea and other conditions that may interfere with sleep, such as back pain. Recent studies also suggest that sleep deprivation increases appetite and decreases energy ependiture. A recent review summarizes the evidence:

On this basis, the present review examines the role of sleepcurtailment in the metabolic and endocrine alterations, including decreased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, increased evening concentrations of cortisol, increased levels of ghrelin, decreased levels of leptin and increased hunger and appetite. It will be discussed how sleeprestriction may lead to increase in food intake and result in greater fatigue, which may favour decreased energy expenditure.

All of the hormonal factors listed above would tend to increase hunger and fat storage and decrease satiety. Fatigue also decreases energy output. Resulting weight gain may further worsen sleep, leading to a vicious cycle.

A new study adds another element to the mix. Researchers looked at 23 healthy subjects over two sessions, one with normal sleep and one with sleep deprivation. They then exposed them to various food choices while in an fMRI scanner. They found that the sleep deprived subjects had decreased activity in their frontal lobes while making food choices.

This is a small and preliminary study, and fMRI data is very tricky to gather and analyze reliably. It also hasn’t been published but was presented at a scientific meeting. If we assume the results are valid, however, the study tells us two things. The first is that there is a difference in brain activity in the sleep deprived vs well rested state. This is not surprising, as optimal brain function is known to be highly sensitive to sleep deprivation. The other question the researchers were interested in, however, is what part of the brain is involved with food choices and sleep deprivation. It’s possible that there could have been increased activity in the more primitive centers of the brain that drive hunger, but that is not what they found.

The frontal lobes are involved in executive function, making complex strategic behavioral choices, such as which food to eat. We may be faced with many motivational factors simultaneously, such as hunger, the allure of our favorite foods, and also the desire to be healthy. The executive function of our frontal lobes is needed to balance these factors and come up with a final decision and act upon it. Avoiding tasty but unhealthful food takes a lot of mental energy, and those subjects who were sleep deprived had decreased mental energy. This means they are more likely to give in to their more basic urges rather than override them with their executive function.

Added to the prior research, and again assuming these results hold up, we can see that sleep deprivation causes a significant shift in the balance of factors that determine our behavior. We are more hungry and less able to modulate that hunger.

What do you do if you are trapped in this vicious cycle? It seems that we need further research to explore various approaches, but there are some common sense and evidence based approaches that will likely help. The first is to address sleep quality and duration. If that is the primary problem (such as sleep apnea) then the sleep disorder needs to be properly diagnosed and treated. Many of my patients have terrible sleep but do not volunteer that information or list it as a complaint, but when asked they relate having serious sleep problems. They simply did not consider it to be part of whatever complaints they were presenting with. If you have any sleep issues a reasonable first step is to see it as a problem and discuss it with your physician. They may want to order a sleep study and may be able to diagnose a specific problem.

Even without a specific underlying sleep disorder, many people can use improved “sleep hygiene” – basic methods of improving sleep quality and duration. These include things like not eating right before bed, avoiding caffeine, especially in the evening, and allowing for a sufficient winding down time before getting into bed.

In order to address the fatigue part of the equation, regular exercise is advised. Exercise has many documented health benefits in any case, and there is some research to support the conclusion that exercise improves sleep.

Because we are dealing with a complex interconnected physiological response, it is probably necessary to address many factors at once – overall eating habits, sleep quality, exercise, and any underlying conditions that may be affecting the quality of sleep or the ability to engage in physical activity. Further the research suggests that we need to consider the fact that maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is difficult. It takes a lot of mental energy, and there are factors that can decrease our mental energy and leave us vulnerable to poor decisions. It just takes a moment of sleep-deprived weakness to ruin a whole day of healthful eating.

This, perhaps, might be the biggest challenge, from both a personal and public health perspective. Part of the strategy of addressing the rising rates of obesity might be to make healthful eating decisions easier to make (requiring less of that frontal lobe mental energy). Some have suggested, for example, that perhaps it’s not a good idea from a public health perspective to ask every fast food customer if they want to supersize their order. We can preserve individual choice, but make the more healthful choices the default, low mental energy, pathway of least resistance. Make unhealthy choices take more mental energy and effort.

We also may want to consider the role of rationalization. This is where I think fad diets and many dieting products fail – they provide the illusion of eating healthy and make it easy to rationalize unhealthy behavior. Those low-fat cookies still have a lot of calories, but the “low-fat” on the label is very effective at short circuiting our executive function with denial and rationalization. Having restaurants print calorie content, for example, is likely an effective way to combat denial, and at least will help those who are paying attention.

We definitely need more research in this area to identify the optimal strategies for making healthful eating more common and to reverse the obesity trends in our society. I do think that taking a physiological and neurological view is helpful – identifying all the various factors that ultimately contribute to caloric intake and energy expenditure.

7 Responses to “Sleep and Weight”

  1. Max says:

    Undersleeping is a factor in many medical problems.

    “In the last decade, the U.S. Institute of Medicine has recognized that chronic undersleeping has adverse affects on the body as well as on mental function… Researchers have found links to coronary artery disease, insulin production (70 percent of diabetics have a sleep disorder), obesity, depression, and the immune system. In one experiment, subjects who slept only four to five hours a night had ‘half the antibody response’ after just one week…”

    I personally don’t feel like eating when I’m sleepy. I don’t feel like doing anything really.

  2. Chris Howard says:

    Your article reminded me of something.

    As an aside, I was recently discussing scientific v. alternative “medicine,” and the primary argument from the alt. friend was “… eastern/alt./CAM is more holistic, and addresses the causes, rather than the symptoms…”
    I’ve never understood that argument. Every doctor, with out fail, has always asked about stress levels, diet, exercise, drug & alcohol use (prescription or otherwise), change in habit/environment, sleep, etc.

    Whereas, when I was deep into Big Woo, my alt. practitioners would ask what the symptoms were, and prescribe something immediately, without any further inquiry as to what other possible causes might be. I took me a while to realize that how they practiced was antithetical to the concept of a holistic approach.

    At any rate, gotta get back to bed. Shift work is horrid when it comes to good sleep, and I could stand to shed a few pounds.

    • Max says:

      Depends on the doctor and the insurance. Many doctors prescribe something immediately, and the drug’s logo happens to be on their pens, mug, notepad, and poster.

      • Chris Howard says:

        True. I’m sure there are plenty unscrupulous doctors out there. I just think it’s funny how the alt. crowd will use the “Doctors/big pharma just want your money…” argument, when alt. practitioners are charging money for their time and services, as well as for their “medicine” too. I guess bias blinds one to irony?

        I just thought it was interesting how when Dr. Novella cites the study he’s careful to qualify his language, and bring up other possibilities, which reminded me of my experience with medical professionals in general.

  3. Janet Camp says:

    No matter how much sleep hygiene I put into the mix (and it has helped) I cannot manage to sleep eight hours, mostly not even seven. I often feel tired during the day and exercise does help, but it is frustrating to wake up before I “want” to. I know aging is now a factor, but it’s been like this for years and years.

    Also, beware of “sleep clinics”. My primary doc referred me for a sleep study, but the ONLY thing they were looking for was apnea–they supply the machine/equipment and seem to be running a “sleep mill” in my view (big bucks for the testing and no follow up unless you have apnea–they gave me a sleeping pill, which just infuriated me as I thought I was there so they could recored my sleep interruption!

    I also found years ago that anti-depressents messed up my sleep and it took years after being off them to even get where I am now. Sleeping pills never helped because they are mostly to PUT you to sleep and my problem is STAYING asleep. This usually gets a shrug from the doc.

    Since losing weight and getting off most meds I sleep much better, for whatever that is worth. It’s all of those things put together most likely.

    I only offer my story to point out that sleep is a complicated issue with no easy fixes. I think we still have much to learn about its role in health outcomes and this study seems to add to the body of knowledge. Hopefully, some concrete recommendations will come along.

  4. oldebabe says:

    Sleep may help a lot of things, but hard to think it will make one, or even help one to get, thin-thinner, in spite of the referenced study conclusions. I’m relatively normal, old and slim, but need my sleep – at least 7 hours/night, best at 7-1/2 each night. Not getting enough undisturbed sleep makes me irritated and logy, but I don’t feel, and never have, the need to eat anything because of it, nor can I imagine doing so.

    Anecdotal, sure, but so is everyone’s tale of their sleep needs. ISTM that there can be a problem with statistics, when it clumps people into categories because of a few similarities.

  5. Jeff says:

    My own experience (which you touch on briefly under sleep hygiene (“not eating right before bed”)) is that, simply put, the more hours I’m awake, the more opportunities I have to eat. Whether I’m up late (and am, thus, sleeping less) by choice or not, I eat more.

    I’ve lost a large deal of weight (over 30lbs) though a combination of exercise and meticulous calorie counting. I was amazed at how easily late night snacking could push a day’s net calorie total from the green (weight loss) to yellow (push) to red (weight gain). Despite claims to the contrary, most weight loss or gain is simply calories in vs calories burned. I’m not saying that there isn’t a hormonal link between sleeping less and eating more; I’m just saying that night owls have more chances to blow it.

    That doesn’t help someone with a sleep disorder, but it is encouragement to go to sleep earlier if for no other reason than to have less opportunity to eat.

    I agree that exercise can improve sleep — I usually sleep very well when on a regular exercise regimen — but only if not done right before bedtime; late-night exercising can often make it difficult to fall asleep initially.

    I’ve also found that the reverse is true — sleep can improve exercise. That is, in the sense that it’s much easier to exercise when well-rested vs dog-tired. That 5:30am run may or may not happen if I go to bed at 10pm, but it sure as hell isn’t going to happen if I go to bed at 1:30am.

    This is, of course, a study of one. I almost never have a hard time sleeping — my own choices result in me being up late and not sleeping enough. The result is that I eat more and am usually too tired to exercise. Vicious cycle, indeed.