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Happy Whatever

by Mark Edward, Dec 22 2009
Black Peter: The Anti-Claus

Black Peter: The Anti-Claus

Just a quick wish for happiness from me to all of you. Is a skeptic allowed to dare make such a thing as a wish? Can happiness be a possibility in a world where there is such an overwhelming mess to be skeptical about? How can any of us sleep at night when huge masses of people say they talk to dead people or have x-ray vision? It’s almost unbearable. If you are like me, we have no other choice. The sand has no place for our kind to bury our heads. 

I don’t have a lot to say this week. It’s been over a year now since I started writing at this blog. It was October, 2008 when I began to put my thoughts down here. In some ways many things have happened and in other ways – many things have not happened. The Skeptologists which launched this project is still searching for the right foothold among the wilderness that is television. I still hold out hope.

When I see with my own eyes all the claims and counter-claims, all the cons and dodges and totality of what we have to face as incoming bullcrap from the world of woo, it seems like a never-ending uphill battle. Can a skeptic have such a thing as faith?

I don’t know what else to call it. Is is perseverance? Is it folly? Is it just a blind feeling that things will get better? The slope keeps getting more slippery with no light at the end of the tunnel. Find your own light in 2010 and let it shine brightly.

So while you are toasting in the New Year and sitting in front of a roaring fire with friends or family, please take a moment to stop, take a deep cleansing breath and be of good cheer.

We are growing. 
There is hope, whatever that may mean  to each of you.


Mark Edward

8 Responses to “Happy Whatever”

  1. Jeremy says:

    That isn’t Black Peter, that’s Krampus!

  2. Harry says:

    It’s not faith, it’s confidence :)

  3. AUJT says:

    Happiness to you too, Mark. I trust that there will always be reasonable people, curious people, people that are truly interested in how our world works and they/we will grow in numbers. I have confidence in that.

    It was a little over 15 years ago that I felt totally alone in my questioning, in my quest for truth in religion. BTW I lump the “paranormal” in with religion as it’s all just different sides of the same coin IMHO. It was a happy day when I discovered that I was not alone. I’ll never forget it and I can celebrate that day. Perhaps that is what will be my Xmas.

    To find that not everyone was simply believing whatever that they were told without question and were genuinely searching for truth. It was a happy day and I can be grateful for that. I can be grateful to real people, not to some invisible, silent man in the sky. Thank you, fellow seekers. I am truly grateful for your company and if I take the time to think about it, I can find happiness in that. :-)

  4. Happy party day ;) I like this blog, though, I am new reader.

  5. oldebabe says:

    Good thoughts, Mark, whether they are wishes, beliefs, faith, hopes, or whatever word may be used to describe them. Keep on.

  6. Susan Gerbic says:

    I like others here am very hopeful for the future. Just today I got a facebook request from someone in Ohio I don’t know. But after clicking on his link I saw that we share 102 friends in common (these are skeptic friends) That makes me smile.

  7. SicPreFix says:

    Mark said:

    “Can happiness be a possibility in a world where there is such an overwhelming mess to be skeptical about?”

    Perhaps in brief flashes of up-side cognitive dissonance (assuming there is such a thing). But only if one is willing to suspend one’s disbelief in the supernatural.

    Ha, ha. Irony of ironies.

    But then, I am a pessimist — which is, of course, only what wishful thinkers call realists.


  8. Deirdre says:

    Hey Mr. Author: What IS a profesional mentalist, anyway? Why don’t you do a blog on your own profession, which is reading people and scamming them. Funny how you come on here and attack others yet you are nothing but a con man. What is your education, training and experience that qualifies you to judge others? I defy you to share your resume with us. Come on, dazzle us with your stellar career.
    Is it mentalist–or just plain mental?