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Skeptics Ahoy!

by Mark Edward, Mar 27 2010

Everyone Who is an Atheist, Raise Your Hand...

There’s just waaaay too much to say about the Amazing Adventure Skeptics of the Carribean Cruise to fit in one blog, so I’m going to divert most of what I would normally have to say to Jeff Wagg’s excellent podcast I was asked to be a part of  during the height of the cruise. It was one of the better sessions I have had the privilege to speak at – and I was even given the last word!
Check it out at dThere you can listen to what some of the nicest and most respected names in skepticism had to say about such things as: Atheism the Skeptical movement, rituals and everyday habits, the future of skepticism and how it will relate to JREF’s part in it all. It was exilerating.

As you can tell by the photo, my sunburned hand was held down when the Atheist question came up. I’m just not that sure about anything. I remain sketical about being skeptical. I’m a magician damn it! When I see something going on in one hand, I want to see what’s going on in the other. I can’t help it. As a confirmed iconoclast, fitting in to any group, club or ritual situation rubs my anti-authoritarian magician whiskers the wrong way. But I’m slowly coming around. Give me time. Beliefs and their pull on society was a major issue that was discussed throughout the cruise.

Randi and I had some great laughs together talking about magic and all the strange people and ideas that are floating around out there. He’s the real deal. If there was ever a real-life super-hero, minus the cape and bulging muscles, it would be Randi.
One of the great moments for many of us was when Susan Gerbic Forsyth decided to perform The Ball and Vase for Randi after dinner one night. I have been trying to teach her this trick since I gave it to her last Christmas, but as I always tell my students: Practice Makes Perfect. Well, …Susan had everybody in stitches for her performance and if it had been purposely staged as a comedy magic act, it couldn’t have been more hysterical. I thought I saw tears in the eyes of Brian Dunning at one point. You can see many different versions of this classic moment on Utube if you put in “Ball and Vase” or JREF Ball and Vase.  Watch Randi and I buckle with laughter. It was priceless. Thanks Susan. Your magical incantation of “wooo, wooooo!” was dead on. You are the Best.Watch this version!/video/video.php?v=1365188723785&subj=687048770

Breakfast with The Amazing One

There are thousands of photos all over Facebook and I invite all readers to re-invigorate their skepticism by searching out the many videos and documentations to be seen of this stellar event. We all got to see Randi doing a card trick with astronaut Ed Lu in outer space. How cool is that?

For those who cry “elitism!” …forget that. Everybody I met on board had a day job somewhere and this was a open group that is working hard sowing the seeds of a new combined movement that will shortly link both coasts in a series of lectures, road tours and educational projects through the auspices of JREF and CFI. It’s an exciting time to become involved, no matter what level of rational thinking you may be or whether or not you think you are an outsider.

One thing we all agreed to was that for the most part, as skeptical people: we are outsiders. No problem. We can negotiate around the perimeters of society much easier that way. Who wants to conform to the Sylvia Browne school of reality anyway? I doubt if you are reading this, you are one of those people. It’s a time to revel in being on the outside. If that’s elitism, I’m all for it! There is no elite, only people working to get things done by DOING SOMETHING. If you are not doing something  everyday to promote critical thinking, do us all a favor and switch over to something more passive please. This train aint’ waitin’.

And don't forget to DO SOMETHING!

GUERILLA SKEPTICISM is on the rise and without spilling the beans completely at this point, it appears that another phony baloney police psychic has taken down, hopefully permanently. More on this later. Ha!

Behold! The Fabled Ball & Vase!

“When I was a kid I was told that practice makes perfect. Then I learned that nobody’s perfect so I stopped practising”
- Steven Wright

10 Responses to “Skeptics Ahoy!”

  1. Robo Sapien says:

    Hey, I never said I wasn’t an asshole. I’m on a journey from cynic to skeptic here, cut me some slack. A year ago, my ideal solution to woo would have been a scoped rifle.

    Now I tend to favor a less lethal approach, and guerrilla skepticism has grown on me. I’ve ambushed a couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses at my door with a devastating barrage of stuff they didn’t even know about the JW. One lady wasn’t even aware of the blood transfusion deal, and she told me a blood transfusion had saved her life when she was young! The other was a nice looking couple and their kids, which made me a little sad. They didn’t really seem to absorb much, just kind of stared at me with dull, bovine-like expressions. I took their email and sent them some links, but I doubt they were moved.

    Anyhow, we’re all on the same team here. I gave my apologies to Maria on the other post, and if I ever show up to a skeptic event and she is there, I’ll give her a free shot to the head or gut, her choice.

  2. AUJT says:

    The cruise pix and vids are wonderful! Wish I could have been there….

  3. Sgerbic says:

    Robo you are growing on me. I’ll deflect any shots Maria might want to take to your head.

    Paul ~ Where were you at the JREF party?

  4. Kitty says:

    I dunno, I think is Susan doesnt practice, she has a great career.

    Whenever any of us are chatting about the cruise, THAT “magic trick” comes up. What can I say? She is a treasure.

    Also Mark was fantastic, friendly, open, always learning and in turn teaching…any time spent with him is a delight.

  5. tmac57 says:

    You can’t plan a moment like that! That was the first “magic” trick that I ever bought, I think (or maybe it was the finger guillotine). I like the new hair color Susan. I wish that I had been able to go on that one, it looks like a good time was had by all.

  6. Sgerbic says:

    Thanks guys! When my tour comes through your cities I’ll get you front row seats.


  7. Sgerbic says:

    I was just in Florida Robo! I’m talking about my “magic” tour. Refer to the videos to see me in action. YouTube sgerbic for more.

  8. Kenn says:


    My comment was too short, so I had to add this line.