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Bovine Intervention

by Phil Plait, Dec 16 2009


I have only one comment (especially if you’ve seen my earlier posts on stuff like this): why would God have such terrible penmanship?

31 Responses to “Bovine Intervention”

  1. Shawn Shelton says:

    But, Phil, she knows a few things about breeding and genetics and that wouldn’t happen in more than 1 in a million…

    Simple minds require such simple signs. I loved that guys accent, though.

  2. gski says:

    The owners of the animal have such a contorted view of reality they probably see nothing wrong with the penmanship.

  3. rustle says:

    Eh yeah, yah cahn’t get a clearer sign of divine intervention than a cow with a spot ahn ‘is head. Ah saw a chicken that was the spittin’ image of John the Baptist just before we et ‘im.

  4. BDUB says:

    WOW! I think i had a dog with a marking like that … and i have seen other animals with that marking….

    But yeah that guy had a pretty funny accent , eh ;)

  5. John Paradox says:

    Let’s see:
    They say it looks like a cross, so Jesus must be involved.
    The marking actually looks more like a hammer, so it must be Thor.
    It’s a cow, considered sacred by Hindus….

    Great Flying Spaghetti Monster, what’s a poor agnostic to do?!


  6. Retired Prof says:

    Funny accent? Rural New England, probably not Connecticut. Maybe he was born and raised farther north. I like the sound of it.

  7. Brian says:

    Is that the frog from the new movie, Princess and the Frog?

    (head on left with bug-eyes, legs below, maybe he’s dancing?)

    The human mind can see all kinds of things

  8. oldebabe says:

    No! Not another of those stupidities! Is this now considered by some to be one of those god-produced marks of something or other?

    It seems to me that this is not the first time that a marking on a cow (let alone all of the myriad places `markings’ have appeared) is has been seen by some as a `sign from God’, but what does that sign, or those signs, actually mean? some `divine’ message (pick any)? is it that the God is a calf (or whatever it is on which the marking has appeared)? or maybe that it loves cows, or sandwiches, or windows, or elbows, et al??? or, is it just showing off? Or… Let the nonsense begin!

  9. Bob Svercl says:

    So God’s playing Pictionary with the world. Again. He sure seems to have a lot of free time recently, seeing as he hasn’t done any major miracles since his biblical heyday. Now he’s just being lazy.

    The marking actually looks like an assault rifle to me. I wonder what that’s trying to say?

    • kabol says:

      bob: “god playing pictionary” and “lazy since heyday” — LOVE it!

      it’s my esteemed opinion that this cow’s mom recently ate the jesus grilled cheese (or was it toast) and someone likely branded it with that jesus iron.

      hence – poofy crucifixes on one’s head.

  10. Nasikabatrachus says:

    To me, that mark looks like an elongated version of Texas. How would the real Texas ever become so elongated? By some kind of upwelling from within the planet distorting the crust, of course! Therefore I conclude that God is warning us of what’s going to happen to Texas in 2012. As a texan (technically), I say good riddance. Neil Adams’ expanding Earth theory is also correct, apparently.

  11. Kitapsiz says:

    Save the cow, slaughter the owner.

    There is ignorance, willful ignorance, obdurate ignorance, and then people who own a bovine with some white fur on it’s head, professing it as a sign of “divine intervention” … which would have to be classified as just brazen stupidity.

    Come on. Seriously? The “grand Creator” has become so bored with humanity and the rest of the Universe, that it has decided to start intervening in the reproductive process of a cow to get its message across? Really?

    That is one shit pathetic deity then; someone call Jerry Springer, I think we have a guest for him.

  12. Margaret says:

    I think they’re actors and the whole thing was cooked up. That accent? Come ON! Seriously. I’m not buying any of it. The mark on the cow is a cheesy die job and they hauled that pair of yokels in from central casting.

  13. Guy says:

    If she knows anything about genetics then she knows God didn’t have anything to do with the calf’s markings. She also knows a thing or two about marketing and how they might make a buck when people come to see the Amazing christmas calf “as seen on tv”.

  14. Phil says:

    Looks like udder nonsense

  15. Kudden says:

    That’s not a cross, it’s the rose from Depeche Mode’s Violator.

  16. Carl says:

    Wow, Phil finally catches up with, um, me. I blogged this days earlier! I beat Phil Plait at a completely arbitrary non-competitive … never mind.

    We agree on the crappy craftsmanship of the mark, too.

    I like the comment that it wouldn’t happen to “1 in a million” calves. How many million calves are born every year again? Have you THOUGHT about this?

  17. steelsheen11b says:

    The mark looks more like an combat ax like the Locheber style but with a terminal spike. at least to me it does.

  18. I want a pet cow. Cows are cool.

  19. MadScientist says:

    I can’t decide if that’s a caduceus or a pick-mattock.

  20. Kitapsiz says:

    Now that I’ve looked at it again, it’s definitely not a cross; it’s a ball peen hammer with a crooked handle.

    Definitely. I think we should call the ASPCA, someone smacked that poor calf in the head and left the imprint of a hammer. There’s only two entities with that kind of heartlessness; “God” and lawyers.

    Who should we blame?

  21. Dr. Dim says:

    Ugh! This passes as journalism?

  22. Paul T. says:

    I think it looks like, Marilyn Monroe from the subway exhaust scene in the movie “Seven Year Itch”

  23. Adrian Gross says:

    That will make for a holy hamburger.

  24. gocart mozart says:

    I think it looks like a tomahawk. Don’t be surprised if the Native-American Messiah returns soon to avenge the theft of his peoples land. Remember, you heard it here first.

  25. Brian M says:

    Why wouldn’t “god” just fix their farm, instead of wasting his time with drawing on cows… Seems retarded.

    • Robo Sapien says:

      Because God works in “mysterious ways”, duh. Personally, I would pay handsomely for a steak carved from that cow. Then I’d rally a crowd of Jevovah’s Witnesses to witness me eat it.