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Facial Processing

by Steven Novella, Jun 18 2012

When you see a person for the first time your eyes quickly scan their face and in less than a second your brain has gathered a tremendous amount of information about this person, processed that information, and come to many simultaneous conclusions. Think about all the different kinds of information we quickly and simultaneously process – the age and gender of the person, their race (or more generally, the genetic group with which they belong), their personality and mood, their attractiveness, the status of their health, and whether or not we have ever seen them before (do we know them).

Our brains perform this processing quickly, efficiently, and subconsciously, and so we tend to take it for granted. There are regions of the brain dedicated to processing sensory information about human faces. We are still teasing apart all the various aspects of this subconscious processing, which not surprisingly is very complex and involves multiple layers.

It also always fascinates me to find that there is a scientific community and robust research, complete with ongoing controversies, about the smallest area of knowledge – how we process facial information. Modern science has drilled down deeply on even narrow questions, which I feel is part of its strength.

It is not surprising that humans are so good at facial processing. We are social creatures who live in cooperative groups. The information gained from another’s face can be critical to survival. Since humans are essentially tribal it makes sense that we would specifically process facial information to recognize when someone belongs to our group vs another group – and not just some other group, but which other group. Are they a member of a tribe with which we are currently hostile or friendly? This is apparently the root of stereotyping. When we are not familiar with a specific individual we judge them based upon the only available information that we have, the group with which they appear to belong.

Research has found this to be generally true. Within fractions of a second we can recognize a familiar face, based on specific structural information. This is a complex processing task also (something at which humans are still better than computers). We need to be able to recognize individuals from different angles, in different lighting, in different contexts, while displaying different facial expressions, and perhaps even within a disguise. Think about famous actors playing different roles, even with extreme makeup on. I remember watching Pirates of the Caribbean (the second one) and recognizing actor Bill Nighy behind all the Davy Jones makeup. There was something about the way his mouth moved and the expression in his eyes that “clicked” in my brain, and then I could see Bill Nighy.

Further, we are able to determine when someone resembles a person that we know vs being that person. Even subtle differences are enough for us to determine that the person is a “lookalike” but not the person themselves.

When we determine that we know someone that information supersedes the next stage of facial processing about gender, social category, etc. In other words – we now see the person as an individual rather than a generic member of a group or category. This also helps explain the “cross-race effect” - the fact that it is more difficult to recognize individual members of an unfamiliar race or group (yes, it is a real effect).

Facial recognition and information processing is a excellent example that can be used to investigate how the brain organizes and processes information in general. Questions actively being researched include the degree to which facial processing occurs in parallel vs in sequence. There does appear to be early and late stages of facial processing – a hierarchy of information. Some research, however, suggests that there are different modules processing facial information at the same time and the results of these parallel processes are mixed together. Our net response to a human face, therefore, may be pulled in multiple directions simultaneously.

Further, our response to a human face is not fixed, but is influenced by our current social situation. Psychologists are therefore able to manipulate such responses by priming and other methods. This generally reflects our neurological function – there are built in biases and processes, this is then affected by our memories (do we recognize an individual, past experiences with a group), and then further modified by our current mood and situation. This also makes sense as the brain is a tool for adapting to our environment and situation.

Further, there appear to be conscious and subconscious aspects to facial processing. There are some conclusions that we are immediately consciously aware of, like whether or not we recognize the individual and our estimate of the age and gender. However, we have other reactions that are subconscious, such as how trustworthy we feel the other person is. Research has shown that we estimate both trustworthiness and dominance quickly upon viewing a face. Researchers have teased apart some of the variables that contribute to this, for example features of maturity tend to equate with dominance. Related to this are studies that look at our judgment about whether or not someone is a criminal. Criminality judgments are at least partly explained by perception of high dominance and low trustworthiness.

This is a type of subconscious heuristic or emotion – our brains evolved to make social judgments quickly and subconsciously that are of some adaptive value, but not necessarily always accurate. We trade a decrease in accuracy for an increase in speed of decision-making. We see someone and immediately have a feeling about whether or not they are safe to approach, probably erring on the side of being cautious. Now, however, those same evolved reactions can affect judgments concerning a police lineup or a defendant in a trial – situations in which we want maximum accuracy.

Individuals also vary in terms of their ability to detect various aspects of the human face – such as ability to recognize individuals or to sense the emotional state of another person. This involves not only inherent ability but the amount of attentional resources that we allocate to the task. In one interesting study, for example, giving subjects the social hormone oxytocin increased their sensitivity to “hidden” or subtle emotional expressions.

The science of facial information processing and recognition is fascinating in itself, but I am also interested in what it tells us about brain organization and functioning generally. The same story emerges no matter what narrow aspect of brain function researchers are looking at. There appear to be multiple factors simultaneously at work, with conscious and subconscious elements, with a mixture of inherent and situationally malleable tendencies. Further there are generic neurological factors, such as attention, that strongly influence the specific function.

Finally, the more we study aspects of brain function like facial processing the more apparent it becomes that our conscious experiences and choices are just the tip of a subconscious iceberg. We largely operate under the illusion that our thoughts and behaviors are the result of a conscious rational process, when in fact a large body of research, looking at human behavior and brain function from many perspectives, finds that our thoughts and behaviors are more determined by subconscious processing – our evolved tendencies modified by recent memory and our current situation.

15 Responses to “Facial Processing”

  1. kgd says:

    Interestingly, there’s emerging research that indicates that these biases in facial processing and memory might be more flexible than previously appreciated. Critically, they appear to be motivationally driven, and not exclusively due to factors like relative differences in exposure to ingroup and outgroup faces.

    Van Bavel, J. J., Packer, D. J., & Cunningham, W. A. (2011). Modulation of the Fusiform Face Area following minimal exposure to motivationally relevant faces: Evidence of in-group enhancement (not out-group disregard). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 3343-3354.

    Van Bavel, J. J., Swencionis, J. K., O’Connor, R. C., & Cunningham, W. A. (2012). Motivated social memory: Belonging needs moderate the own-group bias in face recognition. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 707-713.

  2. starskeptic says:

    How much of recognizing Bill Nighy is in his voice also? I recognized his voice right from the start…

  3. MadScientist says:

    I’m always ‘randomly screened’ by the TSA – a sure sign they’re not doing what they claim to be doing – it’s all as phony as the Pirates of the Carribean.

    • Student says:

      Same, although I’m not sure what our Australian equivalent is.

      I noticed that myself, and an Indian man were chosen, yet a few women and older gentleman in suits passed unmolested.

      I guess the white student in a black canvas jacket, ripped jeans and a spray-painted backpack is a clear explosives threat.

      Funnily enough, when he offered to explain how the machine works, and I asked if it was detecting nitrates or phosphates, he didn’t know. Science literacy? I think not :(

      I got checked on the way back too. Funnily enough, my iPod chose that moment to scream in my ears “Set me off like dynamite strapped tight around my waist”

      Best timing ever.

  4. Student says:

    I thought that Bill Nighy was using CGI.

    I just looked it up, and wikipedia seems to think so:

    I guess it’s even more incredible that he’s recognisable, even after being motion-captured and rendered in CGI.

    • Max says:

      I think they want the celebrities to be recognizable, certainly in cartoons like Shrek.

      • Student says:

        Definitely. It said on the wiki page that he wore makeup around his eyes, because they wanted to use his actual eyes in the CGI’d result.

        I’ve noticed ever since the Gollum-Andy Serkis motion capture success, it’s really taken off, and on a slightly tangential note, facial motion capture’s come a long way (For example, the video game LA: Noire was built almost entirely around their Facial Mo-cap technology, and recognising emotions played by actors as a gameplay mechanic).

  5. Mario says:

    This article reminded me of the Capgras delusion, one of the many theories regarding the cause, is that emotional aspects are connected wit every memory of familiar faces and any damage to those paths could trigger this delusion. I suggest to check out the video from TED with Dr. V.S. Ramachandran.

  6. CountryGirl says:

    I once saw a friend and fellow worker walking away from me 2000 miles and 10 years from where I last saw him. I recognized him from his walk. He didn’t limp or walk unusually but somehow I knew it was him. Faces are easy, you see a face once and 30 years later you could pick that person out of a crowd. But there is something about humans (perhaps animals too) that allows them to remember subtle factors in human anatomy and actions.

    • Max says:

      “you see a face once and 30 years later you could pick that person out of a crowd”

      And if that person’s appearance has changed or if that person is not in the crowd, then you could pick a different person who looks most similar to what you remember.

      • CountryGirl says:

        You are correct except that in most cases you can indeed pick the correct person from simply seeing their face. The point is not that occasionally people make mistakes! The point is that humans have the ability to imprint tens of thousands of faces in their memory and recognize those faces decades later even after changes from aging make the faces look different. Surely you don’t deny this. This is an incredible ability of the human mind and one that deserves investigation. I consider myself to be more able to learn and understand things I observe visually rather then from a written or oral description. I think most people have similar abilities of the mind. I do not think our education system uses this to maximum benefit.

      • markx says:

        “….The point is that humans have the ability to imprint tens of thousands of faces in their memory and recognize those faces decades later …”

        Hmmm, not all humans, and certainly not this one (ie, me)….. more’s the pity.

  7. Max says:

    Check out the distorted face illusion if you haven’t seen it.
    Play the video full screen.

  8. Lynn Wilhelm says:

    Steven, I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t mention prosopagnosia, also called face-blindness.
    Those things you and some commenters mention as “”easy are not at all easy for everyone.
    Even when motivationally driven to recognize others, it a true struggle for me. If I see someone out of context, if they have changed their hair or are wearing glasses, I can rarely recognize them until I’ve met them many times. There are some people I can never really recognize, no matter how hard I seem to try.

    Many people are worse than me and don’t even recognize family members. But I will say the first thing I look for when picking my daughter up at school is the color of the clothes she wore in the morning.

    People seem to recognize me very well and I always thought it was strange that I never did them. Since learning about this disorder I feel a lot better about not being lazy or uninterested in others. I now encourage people to introduce themselves to me when we meet again and explain why.

    By the way, this makes many movies and tv shows challenging to watch. If characters have similar looks or clothing, I really can’t tell if they are the same character or a different one. Uniforms make it even worse. Let’s say I really dislike war most war movies.